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Andrew Wade

Professional title: Director SRL South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Workplace: SRL South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Phone number: +27 21 205 9201


Office acoustics at the tip of Africa

Designing without rules

What would you do differently if there were no regulations governing your designs? What would you change, prioritise, finally throw out? Welcome to the acoustic design of offices in South Africa (and further north).

Engineers often complain about being restricted by regulations, or having to do something simply for compliance. What if you could lift the grey veil of regulatory compliance and design something bespoke for your client to their specific needs and budget? How would you change your approach? What would you improve?

We have been designing acoustic spaces for companies in South Africa and further north (Nigeria, Kenya, Botswana, etc.) since 2010. In this talk I will be discussing the immediate challenges we faced in an environment with no requirements or regulations for acoustics, the opportunities this presented, and how we work with clients on designing bespoke spaces to meet their specific needs.

The talk will cover how we educate our clients on what they really need beyond a “soundproof wall”, the tension between acoustics and aesthetics, and how we gauge success when there isn’t a regulatory badge at the end of the process.

Welcome to the fun side of the island!